Contest – Danse de ligne

Bourse de 1 000$ à gagner offerte par Quinn Boutiques

To register

  • Select a Kip Moore song of your choice
  • Choreograph a line dance on this one
  • Filme une démo de ta chorégraphie
  • Film a demo of your choreography
  • Add your step sheet in the description of your YouTube video
  • Send us the YouTube link of your video before August 26, 2023 by email at with email title « Concours danse Kip Moore » (REGISTRATIONS ARE OVER)

Voting period

  • The best videos will be selected and added to the website for a voting period (Sept. 13 to Sept. 27)
  • The public will be invited to vote for their favorite choreography among the selected videos
  • The public votes count for 20% of the final note
  • The choreographers will be invited to perform their dance on October 7 at the end of the afternoon.
  • À gagner : Bourse de 1 000$ offerte par Quinn Boutiques et une plage horaire au Bronco Expérience Country pour enseigner la chorégraphie aux danseurs présents le 11 novembre 2023!