Presale – 2025

End of pre-sale prices: Thursday June 5, 2025

*Taxes included. Service fees are added to prices in online ticketing. Always free for ages 4 and under. Two types of tickets or 4-day weekend passports available: with or without access to the rodeo. All music, dance and other activities presented are included in the admission price. Daily tickets or passports that give access to the rodeo are in limited quantity.

Adult (13 years and +)

  • Thursday (no rodeo) : $30 + fees

  • Friday (with rodeo) : $38 + fees
    Friday (no rodeo) : $28 + fees

  • Saturday (with rodeo) : $45 + fees
    Saturday (no rodeo) : $35 + fees

  • Sunday (with rodeo) : $38 + fees
    Sunday (no rodeo) : $28 + fees

  • Passport 4 days pass (with rodeo) : $119 + fees
    Passport 4 days pass (no rodeo) : $89 + fees

Child (5 to 12 years old)

  • Thursday (no rodeo) : $15 + fees

  • Friday (with rodeo) : $20 + fees
    Friday (no rodeo) : $15 + fees

  • Saturday (with rodeo): $25 + fees
    Saturday (no rodeo): $20 + fees

  • Sunday: Free when accompanied by a parent – Same access as the parent (with or no rodeo)

  • 4 days Weekend pass (with rodeo) : 55$ + fees
    4 days Weekend pass (no rodeo) : 35$ + fees

Access to the Gold Terrasse


  • Access to an exclusive elevated platform giving optimal views of the ring during the rodeos

    Terrace covered

    Access to private toilets

    Private alcohol service ($)


  • Price of access to the Gold Terrace (in addition to the entrance ticket)
    $99 tax in + fees Friday
    $99 tax in + fees Saturday
    $69 tax in + fees Sunday
    $229 tax in +  fees weekend access

    The Gold Terrace access ticket does NOT include entry to the festival, so you must purchase your day ticket OR weekend passport that has access to the rodeo in addition to your access to the Gold Terrace.