Our volunteers: the key to success!

We are not afraid to admit it: the volunteers of the Ayer’s Cliff Rodeo are one of the keys to the success of the event. Without them, it would be impossible to put on a four-day event, and they all deserve a proud and heartfelt thank you.

If you would like to be part of the Ayer’s Cliff Rodeo family for our next edition, June 12-15 2025, please fill out the form below. If you have any questions in the meantime, do not hesitate to contact us by email.

We look forward to working with you!

Our departments

To help you choose a department to become a volunteer at the Rodéo d’Ayer’s Cliff, you will find a description of each of the available positions.

Volunteers will be stationed at the front box office on Main Street, greeting festival goers and selling tickets. Preferably, the people at the front desk should be able to communicate in both official languages, English and French.
Volunteers will be stationed at the back ticket booth on Westmount Street and will greet campers who have reserved their campsite online, as well as welcome rodeo and gymkhana competitors. Preferably, the people at the entrance will have to be fluent in both official languages, English and French.
The volunteer will greet volunteers as they arrive at the site. He/she will also make sure that all volunteers are directed to the right places on the site. The volunteer must be familiar with the festival in order to direct the volunteer to the right areas and give them the right instructions.
Volunteers will be stationed at strategic locations in the village to direct traffic to the right places: off-site parking on Clough Street, the campground entrance on Westmount Street, the festival entrance on Main Street, etc.
In collaboration with the Camping and Parking Manager, volunteers will assist the team in placing gymkhana competitors’ trailers in the campground. Volunteers will also assist the team with the reimbursement of the campground cleanup deposits.
Following the festival, interested volunteers will assist members of the organizing committee to clean up the grounds of the Ayer’s Cliff Agricultural Fair.
As opposed to cleaning, the volunteer will participate in the preparation of the site in order to receive all the festival-goers and to ensure the smooth running of the event.

Volunteers will ensure the safety of the people on site during the event to ensure the smooth running of the event and the respect of the rules.

In collaboration with the sponsor manager, volunteers will distribute food and beverages to the various rodeo VIP boxes a few minutes before the show. They will also be called upon to assist the sponsor manager in ordering additional beverages, if needed.

Become a volunteer

Be part of the Ayer’s Cliff Rodeo family!

    01. Personal informations


    Number of shifts desired*

    Choose your T-shirt size*

    (Men's T-shirt)

    Other important information to know about you


    02. In case of emergency

    Please indicate the information of a responsible person to contact in the emergency bus.



    03. Preferred departments and availability

    Select places where you would like to give your time. You can select two departments at the same time: we will make the schedules and we will communicate your schedule to you by phone or email approximately 1 to 2 weeks before the festival.




    Mention the maximum number of hours you are willing to work (7 hour shifts available).


    Bus Boy / Bus girl


    Ticketing (Main entrance)


    Ticketing and Campground Greeters


    Volunteer Greeting




    Camping, Stables & Parking


    Family Place






    Preparing the grounds




    VIP Lounge


    No preferences